People and groups can now have their names and messages engraved on a brick outside of City Springs or on a seat inside its Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center.

The $300 bricks and $1,000 seats – or $1,200 for a combo donation – are available on the City Springs website here.

A photo illustration suggests how the engraved bricks will appear when they are installed at City Springs. (Special)

Both programs allow donors to personalize a brick or seat with a personal name or brief message, subject to city approval.

About 1,500 bricks are available for engraving and will be installed along a prominent pathway in front of the curving fountains on the west side of City Green, the park outside City Springs. And about 1,000 seats in the PAC’s Byers Theatre are available for an engraved plate that would be attached to the back.

The bricks will be installed along a prominent pathway in front of the curving fountains on the west side of City Green. (Hannah Greco)

The funds are intended to support youth arts education and general events at the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center within City Springs. The brick and seat donations are tax-deductible.

The long-awaiting program was supposed to begin with the grand opening of the new Sandy Springs civic center more than a year ago, but was delayed due to problems with a private foundation that was in charge at the time. The city is now running the naming program itself.

Hannah Greco is writer and media communications specialist based in Atlanta.