The cities of Atlanta and Sandy Springs together saw 258 new COVID-19 diagnoses between May 22 and May 27 update reports from the Fulton County Board of Health. The diagnoses increased in all of the main ZIP codes in Buckhead and Sandy Springs.

The May 27 report includes some new key statistics: the numbers of new diagnoses of residents in each area within the past 14 days, and the percentage that occur in long-term care facilities, which statewide have been a hotbed of COVID-19 infections.

A chart of COVID-19 diagnoses by city in Fulton County as shown in a May 27 Board of Health report.

In the previous 14 days before May 27, the part of Atlanta within Fulton had 283 new diagnoses, making it number one in the county. Sandy Springs was number two with 81 new diagnoses. Atlanta residents accounted for 48.4% of new diagnoses and Sandy Springs residents with 24.6%.

Countywide, residents and staff of long-term care facilities account for 24% of diagnoses and 42% of deaths.

As of May 27, the part of Atlanta within Fulton County had 2,007 COVID-19 diagnoses, up from 1,816 on May 22. Sandy Springs had 401 diagnoses, up from 334. Atlanta remains the number one city in the county for COVID-19 diagnoses at 46% of the total, and Sandy Springs remains in third place with 9.2% of the total.

To view the full report, see the county website here.

It is unclear whether the numbers reflect the coronavirus’s spread, the state of testing, or both.

The statistics, which are based on patients’ home addresses, are not completely accurate due to such factors as a large number of patients whose cities or ZIP codes are unknown. Of those diagnosed, their ZIP code was unknown in 261 cases and their home city was unknown in 460 cases. All numbers are preliminary and may be adjusted later, including through “data cleaning” — the reassignment of some cases to a different ZIP code or city after further analysis

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 diagnoses in the county as of May 27 was 4,365, up from 4,060 on May 22. Of those, 211 died, or about 4.8%; about 18.6% were hospitalized.

The number of total diagnosed cases in the main ZIP codes in Buckhead and Sandy Springs between the May 22 and May 27 reports, and the number of new cases with the past 14 days, were as follows:

Buckhead ZIP codes

30305: Total: 102 (up from 81); New in 14 days: 16

30326: Total: 27 (up from 24); New in 14 days: fewer than 10

Sandy Springs ZIP codes

30328: Total: 101 (up from 89); New in 14 days: 19

30350: Total: 86 (up from 75); New in 14 days: 14

Buckhead and Sandy Springs combined ZIP codes

30327: Total: 99 (up from 82); New in 14 days: 18

30342: Total: 209 (up from 164); New in 14 days: 49

John Ruch is an Atlanta-based journalist. Previously, he was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.