Rebecca L. King

Candidate for Atlanta mayor


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What immediate actions will you take as mayor to curb the violent crime occurring in the City of Atlanta? 

One of the first things my administration will do is to rejuvenate the morale of the Atlanta Police Department with incentives to retain and recruit top-rate first responders that are highly trained.  Expanding the Pre-Arrest Diversion program is a must so that it can operate seven days a week allowing officers to focus on solving crime.  Second, I would create a position that would serve as a liaison to the not for profits sector to work in tandem on homelessness, mental illness and other issues that pull our first responders away from solving violent crime.  

Will you make affordable housing a priority of your administration and continue the commitment made by Mayor Bottoms to invest $1 billion in the effort by 2026? 

Yes.  As Mayor, I will work to ensure that Atlanta is appealing to residents of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.   As I visit throughout Atlanta I see many opportunities where quality and affordable development can occur.  Assessing current affordable housing stock is pivotal to help citizens gain better access into higher paying jobs, training and education so that they can achieve home ownership, too.  My administration will incentivize our First Responders and other city personnel to live within the city limits.  I am committed to cultivating relationships with the  public and private sectors in Atlanta to encourage many of these organizations to develop programs that would allow many of their employees to live within the city of Atlanta.

Will transit on the Atlanta BeltLine corridor be a top priority and what will your administration do to fast-track it? 

Absolutely.  Offering as much of the city’s professional services as allowable to expedite the development and planning process while maintaining high standards and transparency will be of the utmost importance. Utilizing the Atlanta Transportation department and giving them charge to be the conduit for regional partners and stakeholders will ensure the best outcome.  The public and private sector can join together to reap the benefits of public transportation that is efficient, making Atlanta as one of the top destinations to live, work and play.

Will your administration recommit to combating climate change and what are some steps you will take to get businesses and residents onboard? 

We must get to a place in Atlanta where we have convenient, reliable and safe alternative forms of transportation. By getting more cars off the road we can have a huge impact on pollution and traffic.  We can’t keep passing the buck of our transportation woes to the next generation.  As Mayor, I will work closely with community stakeholders and developers to ensure that we are enhancing last mile connectivity.  Sidewalks that are safe and usable are important for us who choose to live in the city.  We can then ride, walk or roll for health, transportation and enjoyment of our neighborhoods.  Our tree canopy is precious since it gives the economic benefit of cooling, lessens “heat islands” for low socioeconomic areas and mitigates flooding by off-setting the lack of impervious surface areas.  Having buy-in by land owners and developers is important to maintain old growth trees.   

How will your administration address the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic? 

My administration will follow the guidelines of the CDC and point constituents to health care professionals for the best medical advice.  Encouraging and expanding accessibility to vaccinations throughout Atlanta, keeping residents informed through better use of social media, technology and other forms of mass communication as conditions evolve the city of Atlanta will be the partner to team with citizens to eradicate this pandemic.  

Collin Kelley has been the editor of Atlanta Intown for two decades and has been a journalist and freelance writer for 35 years. He’s also an award-winning poet and novelist.