The Dunwoody City Council, after years of input and discussions with neighbors, approved a final design for a 10-acre park on Vermack Road.

At its March 27 meeting, Dunwoody Parks and Recreation Director Brent Walker outlined final changes to the plan, which includes the elimination of a path that would connect adjoining neighborhoods to the park, the installation of traffic-calming measures in front of the park’s entrance and the addition of a sensory garden.

During public comment, former city council member and past Dunwoody Preservation Trust President Danny Ross, and his daughter, Noelle, who is the current president of the DPT, asked that a brick house on the property, which is slated for demolition, instead be retained and used for a museum. However, during the council discussion, Walker said if the council wanted to reconsider the demolition, the process would have to start over again.

Walker noted that another existing house on the property will be retained and open for public use.

City council members noted their disappointment about the elimination of the connecting trail, which was vehemently opposed by Heritage and Village Mill neighborhood residents.

“I’m pleased with most parts of this plan, but [the elimination of the connecting path] ignores the requests of a lot of neighbors,” Councilman Tom Lambert said.

Councilwoman Stacey Harris read a letter from a constituent who said she was disappointed that the path was eliminated, saying that connecting neighborhoods and parks should be a priority in the city’s plans.

The council approved the design 5-1, with Harris voting against it. There is no timeline for the park’s construction, which is estimated to cost about $4 million. In 2022, the council discussed putting forth a parks bond referendum but postponed that decision to a later date.

In other business, the council discussed, but did not take action, on a citywide paving assessment update that would cost about $118,000. The council will vote on the expenditure at its next council meeting.

In other news, the council:

  • Swore in three new police officers, Jonah Amos, Justin Davis and Adam Gallop;
  • Recognized the Dunwoody High School Youth City Council;
  • Approved a contract with DeKalb Community Service Board to provide a behavioral licensed clinician to work with the police department.

Cathy Cobbs covers Dunwoody for Reporter Newspapers and Rough Draft Atlanta. She can be reached at