While there are a few ways to meet people in the digital age, Facebook Groups is likely still convenient. Residents of Decatur – and greater East Atlanta – have a vast array of options and we’ve put together this article to highlight some of the best.

What’s Happening in Decatur

What better way to get to know the city than joining the You Might Be From Decatur, GA If… Facebook Group. The public group consists of about 2,000 members and has residents old and new to discuss “all things Decatur.” The group provides a great space for former residents to reconnect and reminisce, but it also provides a forum for all past, present and future residents of the city to share upcoming events and details, pose questions, share restaurant and venue recommendations, business reviews, and more. After all, what better way to learn a new city than by virtually hanging out with the locals?

Decatur Neighbors

Decatur Neighbors is a private Facebook Group dedicated to keeping Decatur a safe, connected community. While primarily focused on providing a springboard for information related to East Atlanta and Decatur, Decatur Neighbors also allows for postings about upcoming public festivities and activities. Nonetheless, the page is moderated and spam or advertising is deleted promptly.

Decatur Georgia Area Swap (Buy/Sell/Trade/Gift)

The Decatur Area Swap Facebook Group is a convenient way to sell or declutter and re-home some of your lightly used items gathering dust. This is a private group and is moderated to maintain a serious and business-like atmosphere. While there are other options for Marketplace-style transactions in Decatur, Decatur Area Swap seems to be the most popular. Even better, purchasing or selling on Decatur Area Swap saves you the hassle of shipping, as meet-ups are often the go-to way of exchanging.

City of Decatur Group

The City of Decatur Facebook Group is another private, moderated message/posting board that is focused on bringing together individuals at events and public gatherings. Their description suggests that with the imminent 2023 summer fast approaching they’ll be a great resource for organizing pool parties, barbecues, and more. While the group has just less than 2,000 members, postings occur daily. Sometimes smaller groups are the way to make meaningful connections!

Jonathon Delaney is a contributor to Rough Draft Atlanta. He is a longtime resident of Atlanta and Decatur and a graduate of Georgia State University.