Provided by the city of Brookhaven

The city of Brookhaven is planing to improve the safety and flow of traffic at Caldwell Road at Redding Road using SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Options Sales Tax) money.

District 2 City Council member Jennifer Owens is discussing the possible changes on Monday, March 11, at 6 p.m. during a community meeting at Brookhaven City Hall.

The project proposes a realignment of Caldwell Road from south of the entrance to align with the section of Caldwell Road east of Redding Road, and the installation of all-way stop signs. 

A 10-foot, multi-use path on the north side of Caldwell Road, a five-foot sidewalk on the south side of Caldwell, and bike lanes are in the works. 

“I look forward to engaging constituents in District 2 on one of the main issues I hear about – improving safety on our streets for pedestrians, bikes and cars,” said Owens.

Logan C. Ritchie writes features and covers Brookhaven for Rough Draft Atlanta.