To the editor:

The article on whether Shirley Franklin has been a better mayor than Bill Campbell is thought-provoking (“Is Mayor Franklin better than Mayor Campbell was?” Sept. 4-18). I think the contest would end in a tie.

Bill’s peccadilloes were legion. But beyond the areas mentioned in the article about Franklin, there is no planning in the city, City Hall is in chaos, Neighborhood Planning Units are routinely ignored on matters that make a difference, Atlanta is floundering in terms of competing with other cities for conventions and tourism, the city spent millions on the mayor’s branding campaign, which everyone knew was bizarre from the moment it was unveiled, and the police and fire departments are demoralized and are being further weakened by current policies. Franklin’s list could go on and on.

Mayor Franklin has not made me proud. Nor did Mayor Campbell. But at least Bill Campbell did not spend half his time traveling all over to explain why he is the best mayor in the country (or in the world). Franklin’s only advantage is that her vast public relations machine is constantly shining her up. Other than that, it clearly would be a tie between the two.

Doug Abramson