Broookhaven city officials are considering spending $2.79 million to buy a building on Skyland Drive that now houses state offices.

Brookhaven City Council voted June 10 to authorize City Manager Marie Garrett to negotiate with the state government to purchase the building at 2600 Skyland Drive and 5.3 acres around it.

The building would become the first piece of real estate, other than a park, owned by the city, officials said.

“It’s an exciting day for the city of Brookhaven,” City Councilman Bates Mattison said. “This will be the first asset other than a park that the city will have under our financial umbrella.”

The building, located next to Skyland Park, originally was built as a school, city officials said during the special called meeting July 10.

The building might again house a school, if the proposed Brookhaven Innovation Academy wins approval from the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia, Councilman Bates Mattison said.

If the charter school is not approved, city officials said the building could be used to house a future City Hall. City Hall now is housed in rented office space.


Joe Earle is Editor-at-Large. He has more than 30-years of experience with daily newspapers, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and was Managing Editor of Reporter Newspapers.

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