Sarah Menis (l) delivered 535 pounds of food to Malachi’s Storehouse in Dunwoody. Judi Carlson of Malachi’s is pictured on the right. (Photo courtesy of the Menis family)

Dunwoody resident Sarah Menis heard about a need in the city and found an easy way for others to help.

The Gallaway School junior took action after learning that Dunwoody’s food pantries were running short of needed supplies and started an initiative called Front Porch Food Drive, collecting 535 pounds of staples for Malachi’s Storehouse.  She delivered her collection on Nov. 21, just in time for Thanksgiving.

Menis delivered brown paper bags with flyers to homes in her neighborhood on Nov. 16 that provided information about the drive. She picked up 60 bags of donated food on Nov. 18. She said her neighbors were thrilled and thanked her for giving them the opportunity to give in such an easy way. 

“People want to give but they don’t have the time to go and donate food,” Menis said. “Making it more accessible and convenient makes it easy for people to give. All they had to do is fill the bags we provided and put them at their front door.”

The first food drive was so successful that she plans to do the same thing in surrounding neighborhoods as well as leverage social media to get more food into local pantries. 

She said she will be expanding her efforts and working with the Community Action Center to host a December food drive and involving The Galloway School in the effort. 

For pickup or information about the next food drive, email Menis at

Cathy Cobbs covers Dunwoody for Reporter Newspapers and Rough Draft Atlanta. She can be reached at